ES400 & GPS possition fix

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J Jiri Novotny 3 years 10 months ago
3 3 0

Team, i am looking for anwers for three question from CZ developer related to GSP implementation at ES400. He needs implenent CRM process based on GPS possition.

How works GPS possition lock, described in datasheet ?
Motorola MAX Locate: Best-in-class GPS implementation enables a signal lock in challenging areas where signals are typically weak, such as urban canyons and indoors, providing more users with location-based services in more areas; supports Assisted and Autonomous GPS with SUPL compliance We need lock possition on the last known.
Q2  when no  GPS visibility/signal ,  GPS returns after some time  GPS coordination 49.800000N 15.469999E instead of   0.  How to lock GPS possition on the kast known or  0N, 0E ?

 It makes troubles for processes in CRM .  Appliacation prepares tasks for workers based on GPS possition.


Does exist GSM based locationing ?  If yes, then API ? 

Thanks for help Jiri

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3 Replies

R Richard Linsley-Hood

One thing that might catch developers out is this small note of the Microsoft MSDN on C# GPS poisitioning ( "The Windows Mobile Version 5.0 SDK shipped with a preliminary version of the managed GPS sample. You should install the Windows Mobile 6.5.3 DTK and use the GPS sample from that installation, even if you are targeting Windows Mobile Version 5.0-based devices. "

R Richard Linsley-Hood

Q1 As far as I know there is no way to 'save' the last valid GPS position. This will have to be done inside any application. Q2 Going indoors (or other out of coverage) will always be a challenge. This needs to be addressed in any application. Q3 There are numerous examples on the 'net' for this using the RIL. Try using 'cell tower positioning' in Google. This came up with which gives a reasonable view to the whole problem (and some example code). Of course there is no guarantee that any of this will work exactly in the way envisioned.

H Herbert De Jong

Q1 WM6 SDK sample has good code to overcome issue of caching GPS coordinates. use Asynchronoulsy GetPosition method described here. see: Q2 Wrong GPS coordinates can be seen when low amount of sats are visible with GPSOne ES400-MC65 See SPR 20177     A1 Software update 28.0 and higher will have this fixed it looks now. Q3 MS API RIL.GetCellTowerInfo  has a bug at the moment. See SPR 20335   the fix will be in A1 SW release as well.

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