MC9190 G Keypad sensitivity

// Expert user has replied.
D Don Khan 3 years 5 months ago
1 6 0

A customer has reported that users are complaining of extra key strokes which is disruptive to their operations.  The target device is the MC9190 G.  They have deployed just over fifty units and as of late over 30% of users have reported this issue. Is anyone aware of this issue.  If so, is there a setting/reg hack to change the sensitivity of the keypad?  Is there a "debounce" parameter? Thanks in advance

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6 Replies

A Andrew Michael Robinson

Don, Billabong have 43 keys and returned all MC9190's to service to have a resistor replaced. That solved the issue. The resistor change may not be necessary for the 53 keys. Service should be able to advise. Andy

C Christopher Sather

Don these are modified debounce settings for CE7 device.  Maybe you can look to see what the default values you have and tweak from there, or google the keys and see what other info might be posted. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\KEYBD] "DebounceCounter"=dword:18 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Keybd] "InitialDelay"=dword:28A

E Evgene Vigoutov

Please try applying the fix for SPR22429 (from the link below). It has the most up-to-date KBD driver with the fixes provided to Billabong.…

D Don Khan

Thanks all, SPR 22429 appears to address this issue.

E Evgene Vigoutov

does it 43 keypad?

D Don Khan

53 Keys

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