Barcode-based RD for Generic Client on HTC

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J Juan-Antonio Martinez 3 years 5 months ago
1 6 0

Hi, I already know the answer will be NO, but my customer insisted so much that I promised I would ask the gurus. Is there any way to perform Barcode-based Rapid Deployment on a WM 6.1 HTC PDA (MSP 3.3.1, by the way)? Thanks, mates!

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6 Replies

A Arsen Bandurian

Just being curious here. Is there any problem with extracting contents of SMS Staging package and performing the actions manually (install/run commands, etc)? And repacking it as a CAB file ultimately? I understand that this is not supported, but there should not be any technical problems, right?

A Allan Herrod

That is an interesting notion.  As it turns out, the SMSStaging Package actually includes a CAB file which it installs.  So, it would be possible to extract that CAB file from the Package and install it.  Note that you would FIRST need to install the MSP Agent CAB file, then the SMS Staging CAB file since SMS Staging depends on the RD Client that is installed by the MSP Agent CAB file.  But once both were installed, then assuming that WWAN service that includes SMS is established, then it ought to work.  You would, of course, need to know the IMEI and Phone Numbers of the device, as is always required for SMS Staging.

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

Furthermore... I think that I only need to figure out where Relay Server address is saved inside the registry, and then call MSP Agent to force Checking, having activated the right policy first. Where do these data reside?

A Allan Herrod

SMS Staging might work on a Non-MSI WWAN-equipped Windows Mobile device, but... It would require installing the SMS Staging Application onto the device in addition to the RD Client/MSP Agent.  On MSI WWAN-equipped Windows Mobile devices, everything needed to support SMS Staging is built-in.  We do not provide the SMS Staging Application as a CAB file, however, only as an MSP Package.  So, it really won't help you much for non-MSI devices since you have to get to a point where you can load Packages in order to load the SMS Staging Application, at which point why would you need the SMS Staging Application? If you are looking to get a non-MSI Windows Mobile device working with MSP, there are a number of things you generally need to accomplish.  First, you need to load the RD Client/MSP Agent, which can be done by installing the provided CAB file, usually through ActiveSync.  Next, you need to configure a network connection, if one is not already configured.  Then, you need to configure Relay Server information.  Also, you usually want to configure MSP Agent Settings to enable the MSP Agent to check-in on some schedule.  Once all that is done, the device should be managed by MSP. If you are going to use a PC to load the CAB file using ActiveSync anyway, it seems simpler just to use On-Demand on that PC to do the rest after the CAB file is installed.  If you are going to load the CAB file using an SD card, then I can see why having a PC may be undesirable.  In such a case, the simplest thing to do may be to export the Relay Server and MSP Agent Settings as files and put them on the SD Card along with the CAB file.  Once the CAB file is installed, then you can launch the RD Client twice, with command line parameters that tell it to apply the each of the two Settings.  Then the Relay Server and MSP Agent Settings will be configured and the device will be managed.  That assumes, of course that a network is already configured.  If not, then you would need to also do the same for a network Settings.

A Allan Herrod

Barcode Staging on non-MSI devices is NOT a feature that is officially supported.  I won't say it CANNOT work, but the likelihood is small that it would and we cannot provide any support for the feature on non-MSI devices whether it works or not.  This is because there is no such thing as a standard Barcode scanning API.  RD needs to control the scanner and can only do so using our proprietary scanning API, not any other vendor's proprietary scanning API. RD does have a mode where it can receive barcode data via the keyboard, and it does enter that mode when it detects that a device does not have our proprietary scanning API.  This mode is intended to support RD on the rare MSI device that does not support our proprietary scanning API and instead relies on a scan wedge. RD barcodes contain binary data and while the scan wedges on our products typically handle such binary data properly, past experience shows that a scan wedge on another product probably would not.  So, the likelihood is that RD barcode Staging will NOT work on any non-MSI device.  But even if you got lucky and it DID work on some particular device, it might have limitations or run into problems that would be beyond our control to fix.  We therefore are in no position to provide any support for RD barcode Staging on such devices.

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

Thanks Allan! Do you know if SMS staging would work on Generic RD Client? It's the only way I can think for staging only-WWAN connected (i.e, no console PC is available for doing On-Demand) non-MSI devices.

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