Datawedge api release

E Elie Bejou 3 years 9 months ago
3 0 0

I use Datawedge API to enable/Disable barcode scanner on MC2180 Windows device.
The component I use is DataWedgeAPIClass and I only use the Start, Stop, Enable and disable functions, no events...
Despite I use Dispose to release the object, I noticed that My EXE remains present in memory of the device and after tests i found this is due to Datawedhe API utilization..
Looking at the sample, i noticed upon closing the exe, the following code is executed
                DWCtrl.OnStart -= eventStart;
                DWCtrl.OnStop -= eventStop;
                DWCtrl.OnData -= eventData;
Even if i do not use the events in my project, do i have to release the Events ?
Any suggestions, comments will be very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your help.

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