I am pushing out labels to my Mirror Server available for XML printing. I am trying to make my ZPL compatible with P4T, QLN420, ZT410s.
As I am doing this I have noticed that all of my formats contain the following ZPL before the actual field definitions:
Most of this ZPL is unrelated to the format but more related to the printer function.
I have some questions regarding ZPL commands?
* Do the above commands only affect the format that they are part of?
* Do commands such as ^MMx, ^MNx, ^MTx affect only the format they are part of or do they persist?
* If ^MMx, ^MNx, ^MTx persist, do they persist printer reboots or is a ^JUS or some other command required for them to persist reboots?
Now onto XML printing:
Could I remove the above 13 ZPL lines from each of my formats and save as an individual format eg: GENERIC_SETTINGS.ZPL... and then being able to recall this as part of my label formats, like this:
(update: DFE should be XFE)
What are the best practices in situations like this?
1 Replies
We had a discussion internally about this and what we have come up with is this:
* ZPL in format overrides every other setting
* Windows driver has a setting to use printer settings which I assume means not to send extra ZPL (eg. darkness, speed)
* NiceLabel or other label printing software has label specific settings which is sent down with ZPL and probably overrides the Windows driver.
Does that seem correct?