Datawedge time introduction

E Elie Bejou 3 years 9 months ago
4 1 0

Hi Everyone,
I would like to know if it exists a functionnality i'm looking for with Datawedge 3.x
My need isto introduce a programmable time after a decode has been made by Datawedge and sent...
I need this function because the performance of decoding and sending barcode is too high and then the mobile computer bufferise the scanned data which is something i don't want.
In the other hand, tried to disable and re enable the scan trigger using the API but this operation tooks too much time.
So please let me know if there is a functionnality allowing to introduce a programmable time after a decode during which the trigger is disable and no scan can be made.
Thanks in advance for your attention and your help.

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1 Replies

E Elie Bejou


Ok! NoBody answered so i beleive there is no solution for this.
I download the latest Datawedge API and there is a function there allowing to switch from one profile to another one:
private DataWedgeLib.DataWedgeAPIClass DWCtrl = new DataWedgeLib.DataWedgeAPIClass();    DWCtrl.SwitchToProfile("Profile2");

But this function does not appear in the tlb  library file!

Any comment would be very much appreciated.


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