ZebraFactory.GetInstance() Failing

A Adam Hill 3 years 10 months ago
45 2 0

Trying to use GetInstance() to get an instance of the Printer so I can call getCurrentStatus()is returning the error -- "Unable to determine printer language". Printing itself is working just fine using ZPL.

Is ~HS easier/more reliable?

Any ideas?

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2 Replies

r roberto cottone

Hi Adam,

Are you connecting via Bluetooth? What language are you programming in? Objective-C?

When using the newest version of the Link-OS™ Multiplatform SDK for iOS (1.3), a few developers have reported being unable to print images or text and/or receiving an “Unable to determine printer language” message.  This could be the issue that you are experiencing, please change the timeout on the MFi Bluetooth connection method setTimeToWaitAfterWriteInMilliseconds, from 10ms to a larger value like 30ms or higher to resolve the issue. See this article, for an example of how to make this change.
Please let me know if making that change resolves the issue, and if you can let me know your connection type and programming language that would be helpful.

Thank you,

r roberto cottone

Hi Adam,

My apologies for the delay. Are you connecting via Bluetooth? What language are you programming in?

Thank you,

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