Configuring Datawedge to interface with a Chrome web page that was Added to Home screen.

M Maurice Israel 3 years 10 months ago
138 2 0

I have a Datawedge profile configured to send data to Chrome. When my page is loaded in Chrome it works properly. When I do "Add to Home screen" and load the page direcly as a Web App, Datawedge no longer recognizes it as Chrome and no longer sends data.
Does anyone know how I can associate my Datawedge profile to this Web App?
Thank you

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2 Replies

M Maarish Kandan

Hi Maurice,

can you please share the details about how you configured the data wedge for chrome?


r roberto cottone

Maurice, Which device and OS are you testing this on, I assume a TC55 with a GMS build?

I suspect that when starting the app from the homescreen, a different Activity ClassName is used.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?