Cannot read again when no barcode was scan before

M Martin Mrazik 2 years 11 months ago
20 1 0

I'm developing an application for handheld barcode scanner Motorla MC32NO (Android 4.1) using Symbol EMDK for Android v 3.1. I used codes from basic and advanced scanning tutorials just to be sure I'm doing nothing wrong. Now I have a problem with trigger. If I pull the trigger, laser turns on and I can read barcodes.  But if I pull it without scanning any barcode, laser turns of and I cannot scan any more barcodes until I restart my activity.
When I pull the trigger and hold it, scanner status is SCANNING and after a while it changes to IDLE, then the laser turns off and onData event is not fired of course. If I then release and pull the trigger again nothing happens.

I also tried to simulate this behavior with DWDemo application which was shipped with my barcode scanner. It turns the laser on again regarding I scanned barcode or not. I attached my source code. Can you please tell me how can I force my app to behave to turn the reader on everytime I pull the trigger?

Thank you

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1 Replies

V Vedsatx Saddvv

Hello Martin,  I think the "continuous scanning" code you are looking for is in the barcode sample app ( Barcode Sample1 )that is installed on you PC when you install the EMDK. Most of what you need is in the OnStatus method.  Give that a look and let me know if you have further questions.

@Override public void onStatus(StatusData statusData) { ScannerStates state = statusData.getState(); switch(state) { case IDLE: statusString = statusData.getFriendlyName()+" is enabled and idle..."; new AsyncStatusUpdate().execute(statusString); if (bContinuousMode) { try { // An attempt to use the scanner continuously and rapidly (with a delay < 100 ms between scans) // may cause the scanner to pause momentarily before resuming the scanning. // Hence add some delay (>= 100ms) before submitting the next read. try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }; } catch (ScannerException e) { statusString = e.getMessage(); new AsyncStatusUpdate().execute(statusString); } } new AsyncUiControlUpdate().execute(true); break;

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