Using the proximity scan and battery swap

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D Diana Dvorska 3 years 10 months ago
7 2 0

I'm working on an app that should be using the proximity scan feature of TC8000 but I'm unable to find any documentation on the topic.
Could you guide me to a page where I could read about this feature and how to implement it? Is it based on Zebra API (EMDK) like Scan/Simulscan or should I implement it by myself using Android's proximity sensor APIs and starting the Scanner once there is an object near the device?

The other feature that I should incorporate in the app is detection of battery removal and insertion but I was unable to find any documentation on that subject as well. Is there some API or broadcast Intent that is sent when the user removes or inserts a battery?


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2 Replies

D Donald Hatch


The proximity scan feature is ready to use with the rev A production software. Once it is enabled in the UI, bringing an object close to the sensor will activate the scanner.
To enable proximity scanning, go to Settings --> Hands free scanning --> Scanning mode --> enable "Hands free always on" or "Hands free in holster/mount"

HW requirements:
EV2.5 TC8000 or later.
SE4750 scan engine.

There is no broadcast intent when the battery is removed.

D Diana Dvorska

Thank you for the quick response. The problem is that the Android application has several modes and only one of them is proximity scan.
Is it possible to enable hands-free scanning within the SDK - maybe with the ScannerConfig class or similar so that I can quickly enable/disable the proximity scan without the user leaving the application?


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