EMDK DataListener decoder_d2of5

E Eli Perlstein 3 years 10 months ago
27 1 0

I am trying to figure this out for days.
In the app (tc55) i have created a datawedge profile that enables decoding for all barcode types. (i have also enabled it in Profile0 in datawedge), yet the barcode only captures the default enabled decoding. and the OnData is not called unless i scan EAN OR UPC codes.
Does anyone know anything about this?

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone

Do you plan on using Datawedge Profiles as the main way to configure the decoding, if so you can instead output the scanned data as an Intent. (See Data Capture Intents Tutorial))

The onData method you're using is meant for explicit control of the scanner within an application without the need for Datawedge Profiles.

Do you have some sample that you can share?

Can’t find what you’re looking for?