How to develop MC32N0 apps by JAVA.

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x xiangheng song 3 years 10 months ago
4 1 0

Hi. I have a MC32N0 device run with WIN CE7.0. Can I develop apps by JAVA?

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1 Replies

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

The only option to use Java on Windows CE is to use J2ME and the last supported VM for it that I know of is CrE-ME.

Then, if you want to control the barcode scanner or other HW features of the device, you need to use the EMDK for Java that currently do not support MC32N0​.

My suggestion at this moment would be to use something more supported on the platform: .NET Compact Framework, using the C# language.

If you want to use Java, a better option would be to investigate the Android version of the MC32N0.

Best regards

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