Problems using MC32N0 configured as a USB storage device

R Robert Watson 3 years 10 months ago
5 0 0

We’re having problems with an MC32N0 handheld scanner runningWindows Embedded Compact 7 configured to appear to the host PC as a USB storagedevice.
We’ve experienced a variety of issues during development. Sometimesthe handheld can lock up requiring a cold boot. Other times it loses visibilityof the area of its drive configured as the mass storage device (even when its outof the cradle). Sometimes the PC fails to recognise the device entirely whenits in the cradle and sometimes the PC sees it only as a generic USB device withoutassigning it a drive letter. A cold boot on the handheld and the PC resolvesthe problems but the entire setup is too flaky to put into production.
Anybody has similar experiences?

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