Non-modal popup is not working in enterprise browser of HHT(Workabout pro 4) windows device.

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S SDP SURAJ INFORMATICS 3 years 10 months ago
3 3 0

Non-modal popup is not working in enterprise browser of HHT(Workabout pro 4) windows device.

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3 Replies

S Sabir Valappil Thattath


Could you please share the following information

1) Which OS your device has? Is it CE or WM?
2) Have you tried EB version with webkit?
3) Also can you please share a sample application to demonstrate the issue?

Thanks & Regards,
Sabir VT


1) Which OS your device has? Is it CE or WM? - OS is Windows Mobile Embedded 6.5
2) Have you tried EB version with webkit? - Yes it's Enterprise browser with webkit mode
3) Also can you please share a sample application to demonstrate the issue? - Please refer attach sample application

S Sabir Valappil Thattath

I had a look on it and issue is reproducible at our end.
Kindly raise a support request so that our support engineering team can have a look on the issue.
Please provide the attached application (popup.rar) to the support team for reporting the issue to the engineering team.
I have converted your app to a html file on which we can reproduce the issue.
They can have a look on it and provide a patch if the fix is feasible.

However I also suggest you to go for a workaround using the below Enterprise Browser API

NativeTabbar - Zebra Technologies Techdocs

Above documentation will explain how we can have multiple tabs (windows) on enterprise browser.
Your app can have multiple tabs and user can switch to different tabs when needed.
User will not feel they are working on a different tab.

You can also refer the below link how we solved one of the multi tab (window) issues at customer site

Another way of handling is using a hidden form in the document and displaying it using css styles.
A sample is attached as starter.html for your reference.

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