FX7500 Embedded Java App Auto-Start

// Expert user has replied.
A Alan Christensen 3 years 10 months ago
59 1 0

We have deployed a java application to the FX7500 reader and can manually execute the program, but we are looking into how the application will auto-start when the reader boots.  It looks like the FX7500 SDK comes with some sample scripts to start and stop the application, but I don't see how those scripts get executed (other than manually).  It looks like "Applications" page in the FX7500 web interface is used for uploaded C and C++ packages, and gives start/stop/auto-start options for those types of applications.
Any insight is appreciated.

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1 Replies

A Andreas Fauerbach


The FX7500's "Applications" page allows you to install Debian style (deb) install packages.
Those packages need to contain an executable file plus shell scripts to start and stop the application.
The deb files can either contain ARM executables from a C/C++ compiler or java jar files.
Thus, from the "Applications" page, you can install, run and autorun both C/C++ or JAVA Applications.

However, there are some things to bear in mind, when making an application package:

It is mandated to have same name for the package as well as the binary executable; however user may chose different names if he wish to be. The start and stop status on the web console MAY NOT work if the names are different.
There can be multiple binaries executables in the same package, however at least one binary name must match the package name to get the correct status of start/stop.
The applications run with “rfidadm” user privileges.
The application install root is set to “/apps”. Apps can create any subfolders in this partition or apps can be deployed in sub folders inside “/apps”
The binary executable can have extension such as “.elf”, “.bin”, “.jar” etc. Only the name before the extension needs to match the package name.
Packaging tools generally suffix the package name with “_versionNumber”. RM software in FX7500 parses this package name to determine the version number. Hence, it is advised to avoid any other “_” in the package name (other than the one suffixed by the packaging tool with version number).

The SDK provides samples for start and stop scripts, you can use to make your own:

Copy start_sampleapp.sh and stop_sampleapp.sh from ‘[Embedded SDK Install folder]\tools\userAppPackageBuilder\sampleScripts\java’ into the JAR file build folder  ‘[workspace]\build’
Rename script files to start_appname.sh and stop_appname.sh with the JAR file name being appname.jar
Replace line ‘java –jar /apps/%sampleapp%.jar &’ in start_appname.sh with ‘java –jar /apps/appname.jar &’
Replace line ‘EXECUTABLE_NAME=%sampleapp%.jar’ in stop_appname.sh with ‘EXECUTABLE_NAME=appname.jar’

For further details, please refer to the F7500 SDK Dokumentation and to this thread.

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