MC9060 WIN CE how to skip calibration after resetting the terminal?

// Expert user has replied.
S Sergey Yakovlev 3 years 10 months ago
206 2 0

MC9060 WIN CE how to skip calibration after resetting the terminal?
Touch screen not working , how to enter in OS without calibration?
Use some .reg files?

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2 Replies

C Christopher Sather

The best procedure is to calibrate a device manually and then capture these reg key values.  Then save them as a .reg and add that file to the root of \application folder.  These are from a 9090 with a VGA screen, so they would not apply to a 9060

"CalibrationData"="527,511 262,760 796,769 793,256 258,253 "


N Nikolay Isakov

Hi Sergey.

To skip calibration press ESC key or

try below. Sets initial state to off and puts in some dummy calibration data so you don't get the calibration screen on cold boot.


  "CalibrationData"="1990,2070 3012,3137 2960,1013 930,981 929,3174 "

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