TC51 Volume Control - Vol Keys control all volumes

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C Christopher Sather 3 years 10 months ago
8 2 0

Currently, the TC51 side volume keys control the "Notification Volume" level.  Is there a way to map the hard keys to be a master control for Notification, Media, and Alarm volume?

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2 Replies

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Chris,
All the new Marshmallow devices (TC51/TC56 and TC70x/TC75x) support Mx Keymapping Manager - Zebra Technologies Techdocs

You can make a quick test with StageNow, building a couple of Barcodes to apply the configuration you want and to re-apply the defaul configuration.


r roberto cottone

Not with MX that I can see, even the key map manager does not claim support for TC51: Keymapping Manager - Zebra Technologies Techdocs

If you have control of the applications the standard way to do this is for the application in question to set the audio stream being controlled by the volume buttons:…​ .  There are also 3rd party applications that claim to do this configurably in a service, e.g.: Rocker Locker - Android Apps on Google Play  but surely the next application to come along could just switch the volume behaviour back unless the service continually sets the volume stream which does not seem right... anyway, there is nothing official from Zebra that I am aware of for this.

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