Serial Comm on MC92

// Expert user has replied.
J Jessie Streater 3 years 10 months ago
3 1 0

I have a MC92N0 that originally came with Windows Mobile 6.5.3 and custom piece of equipment that connects to the RS232.  Everything worked well on WM but there was a desire to change the OS to Android.  After some discussion with a Zebra representative it was concluded that I should be able to change the OS to Android KitKat without too much headache.  Most of the EMDK seems to work fairly well but any attempt to use the SerialComm API causes it to crash.  I've traced through the program line by line and it successfully opens the EMDK but crashes on the following line.
serialComm = (SerialComm) this.emdkManager.getInstance(FEATURE_TYPE.SERIALCOMM);
Any thoughts and ideas on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated!

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1 Replies

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Jessie,
have you updated the EMDK runtime on the MC92 KK?

The Serial Comm API has been introduced in one of the latest releases and you may need to install a newer runtime on the device as explained in the docs:
Configuring A Device - Zebra Technologies Techdocs


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