TC55 "Settings"-App missing

R Rolf Korb 3 years 10 months ago
8 1 0

one of our TC55 hast lost it´s "Settings App". There is no way to access the system settings.
Unfortunately there is no "Factory reset"-Option in the Android Recovery Menu E3.
The device runs on 4.4.3
Any ideas?
Thank you

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone

Something similar happened to me!  I think I accidentally changed a setting with Enterprise Home Screen but I never did figure out what I did.  I managed a factory reset using the EMDK, there is a sample (Rebooting The Device - Zebra Technologies Techdocs ), but you'll need to change this line samples-emdkforandroid-6_0/ at ProfilePowerMgrSample1 · Zebra/samples-emdkforandroid-6_0 · GitHub  to a 6 for a factory reset (see this chart: Power Manager - Zebra Technologies Techdocs )

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