TC8000 Simulscan "auto capture” does not recognize the Alpha numeric character

M Michael Richardson 3 years 10 months ago
5 1 0

Steps taken by Zebra partner:
Device Details:

Make: Zebra
Model: TC8000
S/N: 16117521400086
OCR software: SimulScanDemo (loaded on the device – Zebra Software)

Steps taken for OCR testing:

1. Created a user profile on the Zebra Simulscan Template Builder Website -
2. Here I followed the steps as per the template builder manual to create an OCR Template 1x image loaded into the template to be recognized (see attached Manuals)        
3. I have successfully created the Template inside the Template builder APP with the images uploaded and also exported the file to my local PC as a *.xml file to then be uploaded on the Devices storage.
4. Once the export file was uploaded on the Device I then opened copied the file to location as per SimulScan Demo App manual - //simulscan/template/
5. I have opened the scanner simulscan app and and selected “My Template” and open the file I saved on the device
6. There after I try to capture my image using the “auto capture” function but it does not recognize the Alpha numeric character

Any help or advice would be appreciated

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone


Looking at the image of the characters, I don't think there is sufficient contrast between foreground and background for the OCR to work. Have you been able to OCR these characters using any other software running on our devices ?

Best Regards,
Ian Hatton

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