RS507 Pairing - determine abort by user

// Expert user has replied.
M Markus Balschbach 3 years 10 months ago
2 1 0

I use MC67 (Android KK) with internal imager AND RS507.
Within the application I have a switch to turn on RS507-usage.
As result the system shows the pairing-screen where I can scan the BT-adress with the RS507.
The pairing screen ist shown as result of the call "scanner.enable"; now the user doesn't scan the barcode, but presses the back button...
As shown in the EMDK-example as well, the lifecycle of our app tries to re-init the EMDK-Manager and the scanner and - as result of scanner.enable - shows the pairing-screen again :-(
As long as the user presses the back-button the device is in an infinite loop between app and pairing-screen, this is reproducible in DW-Demo, too.
Would be nice to have the result of the pairing-screen:
1. user scanned BT-adress-barcode - scanner get connected
2. user pressed back-button - next trial / abort activation of RS507
Is there a way to get that info in EMDK Barcode Scanning API ?
Kind Regards

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1 Replies

C Charitha Mallawaarachchi

Hi Markus,

In the sample application it pops out pairing app again and again as in onResume, it calls init function again if the scanner is null. You can simply have a variable to track if the app already tried to call scanner enable or init function in sample. So it can avoid calling scanner.enable or init function again and again recursively.

If user has pressed the back button from pairing utility without scanning it, you can check the scanner object or the enabled status.


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