Any way to install a .bin file manually

// Expert user has replied.
T Tomislav Dujlovic 3 years 10 months ago
61 1 0

Hi all,
is the any way to install a .bin file manually on the TC55 ??
Background is:
With stagenow i am able to create a own profile for APN settings.
Now i have customers wo dont want to use stagenow. They want to install the .bin file (who has been created with stagenow) manually ?
is there any way ?
Thank you

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1 Replies

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Tomi,
what is created by StageNow needs to be consumed by StageNow or one of the supported MDM.
There's any particular issue that drive the choice to not use StageNow on the client device?

To set the APN on the device an alternative could be build a small application using our EMDK that is going to set this parameter.
there's a sample application that you can use as a guide:
GPRS Settings - Zebra Technologies Techdocs


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