start the barcode scan trigger via chrome intent (TC55 Barcode Scanner)

G Gunnar Bohlen 3 years 10 months ago
212 1 0

Inside the DataWedge documentation there are several parts explaining how to start the softscantrigger with an intent. Now I have made a WebApp and I am using the Chrome Browser. I like to make a "SCAN"-Button inside this App to control the barcode scanner and tell it to start scanning.
Now I am not sure if it works at all as many attempts just not led to the result.
My current part of the Code in the webapp looks as follows:
If I hit the button I get the following error in the Android Log:
I/chromium(29319): [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Navigation is unreachable: intent://scan/#Intent;action=com.symbol.datawedge.api.ACTION_SOFTSCANTRIGGER;;end;", source: https://... (0)
Probably it is just misformatted. Any ideas?
Kind regards,

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone


I do not believe it is possible since intents invoked this way are attempting to start an activity whereas the DataWedge API is listening for intents sent via broadcast. 

You could alternatively use Enterprise Browser to send the intent or some 3rd party JavaScript framework.  You could use a datawedge profile to configure the scanner when Chrome is the foreground application but actually initiating the soft trigger is not possible from the Chrome app.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?