ZEBRA MC36 data capture

Y YanHua Shi 3 years 4 months ago
15 3 0

My Device is MC36.How I can get data By Scan Config of Intent output. I tried to get intent on onNewIntent(Intent intent) ,but onNewIntent() never called. The app of SCANDEMO in device can get data by Scan config of intent output.

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3 Replies


onNewIntent is only called if your application is set to have launchMode 'singleTop', see Activity | Android Developers .

I suspect you just want to call getIntent() in your application's onCreate method if the scan config is set to output intents via startActivity.

Y YanHua Shi

I set activity launchMode ‘singleTop’ or 'singleTask' but ThirdActivity's onNewIntent() method still can not be called. And I am not found setting of output intents in scan config.
        1    0    0                0    com.syh.app.zebrascantest.ACTION.SCAN        14    10        55        12                55        0    4            1    55        0    com.syh.category.DEFAULT    0    55        4    0                    1                        10                            UTF-8    0    0    1        6    55        55        0            0                    0        content://media/internal/audio/media/97            0        10                0        0        0            55    0            0                    0                0    0    55    com.symbol.scanconfig.ScanDemoActivity,com.symbol.scanconfig;*,com.android.quicksearchbox;*,com.android.browser;*,com.android.email;*,com.android.mms;com.syh.app.zebrascantest.ThirdActivity,com.syh.app.zebrascantest;                            5000        0                                                        2        0            75            0       


Please see page 1-14 of the MC36 integrator guide: https://www.zebra.com/content/dam/zebra_new_ia/en-us/manuals/mobile-com… .  It looks like Intent Output is supported however HOW those intents are sent to your application is not specified.  I suspect they are being sent as broadcast intents rather than intents to start your activity which would be why you do not see them in onNewIntent().  Unfortunately I do not have a device to check.

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