I2of5 BC not decoded in Enterprise Browser on WT6000

// Expert user has replied.
P Petr Stejskal 3 years 10 months ago
5 8 0

we have an issue that RS4000 scanner connected to WT6000 would not decode an I2of5 barcode in Enterprise Browser.
We have the folowing devices:
SW-ENTBRV1-PD - version 1.6
We have these SW versions:
OS: Android 5.1.1, Security Patch level 2017-02-01,  Kernel ver. 3.14.52, patch WT6K0L300PUWW30704.zip
DW: 6.2.23
EHS: 2.5.1
We're using DW scanning in EB - we've correctly configured the Profile0 wich is used for Enterprise Browser.
We think that this issue is isolated to the EB on WT6000 because of the following conditions:
- the same I2of5 BC is decoded well on the same device while in DWdemo (DW profile for DWDemo is configured in the same way as Profile0 (Default) which is used for EB scanning)
- the same I2of5 is decoded well in Enteprise Browser on different devices - we've tested and verified MC32N0-SL3SAHEIA and MC92N0-GJ0SYFAA6WR
I am attaching DW config we're using
Probably EB is not using the correct DW setting on WT6000

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8 Replies

P Petr Stejskal

so we found the cause of this issue...and it is ...surprisingly in our webpage :-) (sort of).
I'm sorry that I was chasing you guys down for an issue that originated within our webpage.
Let's explain it quickly - we're using EB as a client for our WMS solution in SAP. It is displaying webpages that we generate according to our template from an SAP screen.
The problem was, that we left these meta tags in the login page:

although we were using DW scanning ( in config.xml).
We cleared the meta tags from all of our pages (when we switched from EB scanning to DW scanning because it was more stable), but forgot to clear them from the login page.
So apparently EB on WT6000 was somehow confused by the meta tag and probably was using EB scanning insted of DW scanning...
The strange thing is, that exactly the same set of screens (webpages) worked well on MC32 and MC92....

Regards Petr

P Petr Stejskal

we've tested that again and maybe there could be an issue with the saved profile I've attached, but we've verified again that probably EB does not take the allowed symbology list from the DW profile - but it's strange, since it takes for example prefix/suffix settings from the DW profile.
My colleague will ad more details soon.

A Abhineet Agarwal

Dear Petr,

As mentioned by Daniel, It should definitely work properly.

Please follow the data wedge guidelines captured Using DataWedge with EB - Zebra Technologies TechDocs

After configuration check whether I2of5 BC decoder is enabled in the data wedge profile which is associated with Enterprise Browser application.

In case you are still getting the issues, please raise the support ticket. Our support team will assist you on the same.

Thanks & Regards,
Abhineet Agarwal
Enterprise Browser Software Lead

P Petr Stejskal

Hi Abhineet,
thanks for your reply, we've folowed that guideline very thoroughly but even though with no luck
A support ticket have been already submitted on Tuesday.

We have also tested the option that we've created a specific DW profile for EB, associated it with EB but no luck again.
The strange thing is that it was able to decode the I2of5 barcode twice, but no luck after that...


A Abhineet Agarwal

Dear Petr,

It's strange that it was able to decode twice but not later. Have you checked this behavior outside EB by scanning the Barcode in other application such as Notes or Stock Browser etc.. ?

I see that the DataWedge version which you have mentioned is 6.2.23. Therefore, I believe you must have configured the below settings.

To enable an EB app to scan with DataWedge 6.0.1 and higher:
1. Confirm that no association with com.symbol.enterprisebrowser exists in the "Disabled app list" in the DataWedge Settings panel:

In DataWedge, select Menu->Settings->Disabled app list. The list of disabled apps appears.

Remove com.symbol.enterprisebrowser from the list, if present (see note, above).

Then choose any DataWedge profile (with I2of5 barcode enabled) which will be used within EB for scanning.

2. In the EB app's config.xml file, set a value of "1" in the tag & re-launch the EB application.

Even after applying this settings, it doesn't work then there must be an issue at DataWedge application end.

As you have already raised the support ticket, zebra support team will assist on the same as early as possible.

Thanks & Regards,
Abhineet Agarwal
Enterprise Browser Software Lead

P Petr Stejskal

yes, we've tested that outside EB - with calculator app (I know, strange, but helps :-)
We have allowed I2of5 in the Default Profile0 and tested the same barcode:
- in EB -> no decode
- in Calculator -> decoding well (no issues)

We made another test - disabled Code 128 in Default Profile0 - and even after that, Code128 barcode is decoded within EB, but not outside EB (therefore the changes in the DW profile are valid) ... strange... but leads us to the idea, that EB does have it's own mind when allowing different symbologies.


r roberto cottone

I loaded your Profile0 on my WT6000 and it looks like Interleaved 2of5 is not enabled.  A good test whether Profile0 is working right might be to open the normal Android Browser and try to scan into the address bar.  If you can't scan there either,  it has nothing to do with EB.

P Petr Stejskal

Hi Daniel,
so the DW says on your device that I2of5 is disabled for the Profile0? Interesting - I'll double check tomorrow on my device, although looking directly into the DB file it should be enabled

Good tip on browser though, we know that we can scan in DW Demo, but that app is using a different DW profile.
Regards Petr

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