I've recently added code from your samples-emdkforxamarin-2_4 into my project.
Is there a way to programmatically (or using a profile) add an enter after setting the data in a text field?
And how would I increase the wait before the beam times-out?
2 Replies
1. Typically auto enter is used if you are scanning with a key wedge service such as DataWedge and you want to automatically (for example) submit a form after the scan has occurred. With EMDK everything is programmatic and you receive the scan data in your C# code so could you append the enter character yourself in the scan data callback? Perhaps I am mis-understanding the use case here.
2. Yes, it is part of the reader specific parameters, ScannerConfig.ReaderParameters.ReaderSpecifics.ImagerSpecifics - Zebra Technologies TechDocs for Imager scanners. If you have a laser scanner then use the laser parameter: ScannerConfig.ReaderParameters.ReaderSpecifics.LaserSpecifics - Zebra Technologies TechDocs for camera scanners use ScannerConfig.ReaderParameters.ReaderSpecifics.CameraSpecifics - Zebra Technologies TechDocs