TC8000 Scan Problems

L Lucas Smith 3 years 10 months ago
74 1 0

Hi guy,
I have 3 TC8000 with the exactly same Applikation but the Scanprocess works only on the following 2 TC8000:
1. Android Version: 4.4.3
    Kernel Version: 3.4.0 sam@android-build #1 Sun Dec 6 02:34:22 CST 2015
    Build Nr. : 01-23257-K-01-54-00-MV
    Scanning Framework: 5.41.0
2. Android Version: 4.4.3
    Kernel Version: 3.4.0 sam@android-build #1 Sun Dec 6 02:34:22 CST 2015
    Build Nr. : 01-23257-K-01-54-00-MV
    Scanning Framework: 5.41.0
and the TC8000 with the Scanprocess errors is the following
Android Version: 4.4.3
Kernel Version: 3.4.0 sam@android-build #1 Fri Apr 8 02:31:51 CST 2016
Build Nr. : 01-23257-K-01-71-00-MV
Scanning Framework: 6.11.0
So my question is, could be the different Build Nr the reason for my errors in the scan process, because on the older TC8000 everything works fine.

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone

Hi, for KatKat devices you should go through the steps documented here Configuring A Device - Zebra Technologies Techdocs  to install the EMDK runtime if you have not already done so, that should ensure everything is using the same version of the scanning library on the device.

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