Trigger sounds on a RS6000 which is connected to a MC40

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M Marco Mulder 3 years 10 months ago
3 2 0

We have a ringscanner RS6000 connected to a MC40 (Symbol/Android). The browser is the Enterprise Browser 1.7 so we should be able to trigger some sound/vibrations on the ringscanner (with using the API's). We can play sounds on the MC40 however we cannot on the RS6000. The code which gives me the connected ringscanners returns null even if the scanner is working properly together with the Enterprise Browser.
The enumerate part doesn't work / returns null....
var rnArray = EB.Remotenotification.enumerate();
var m_rnobject = rnArray[0];
if (m_rnobject && m_rnobject.isConnected())
     // the beeps
There is one more thing. We have also installed DataWedge to get the ringscanner activated in the Enterprise Browser.
Can anyone point me in the right direction how to get this work?

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2 Replies

r roberto cottone

> There is one more thing. We have also installed DataWedge to get the ringscanner activated in the Enterprise Browser.
That is probably the root cause of the issue here, for EB to interact with the ring scanner it would most likely need to open the connection to the RS6000 itself which is done through the EB.Barcode API.  If you call EB.Barcode.enumerate() and then enable() the Bluetooth scanner that way the remote objects should work.  You should be able to use the following test app:…; to see how to enable the specific scanner.

J Joydeep Chakraborty

Can you please enable LogTrace in config.xml and send me the adb log.

As far as I know RS6000 is not supported on MC40. What is the BSP version you are using for MC40?

WT6000,TC51 and TC75X M are the only device where RS6000 is supported for EB.


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