MC9200 Active Sync connection problem on Windows 10

K Krzysztof Rams 3 years 10 months ago
210 0 0

I have two MC9200 Devices with Windows CE 7.0 connected to a Computer with Windows 10 operating system.
I noticed frequent problems with Active sync connection.
After the Device is properly configured and connected with the Computer it works fine. But if I need to do a Cold Boot of the device it does not connect to the  computer and It wasn't visible also in "My Computer".
I have tried to restart a few times the MC9200 but it does nothing change.
Few times after a dozen minutes the device connected and synchronized itself.
On one Computer in Windows Mobile Device Center i had an Error with Message "RPC Server is unavailable", but on my  Computer it was active.

Sometimes the restart of the Windows Mobile-2003-based device connectivity and Windows Mobile-based device connectivity helped (both services run on Local System account to run WMDC properly).
We have tested On the same computers older Devices (MC9090 and MC9100) and there wasn't any Activesync Connection issues.
We have also changed many times the USB cradle and the USB Wire in our test - without any result.
Where could be the cause of these behavior of MC9200 Devices?

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