Data wedge and emdk issue for Code Id Type Aim in UPCA

P Peter Bro 3 years 10 months ago
41 0 0

I have experience a behavior that comes a bit weird to me.
When scanning a UPCA barcode the data wedge for android with the DWDemo app (and also the emdk for windows) reports an extra zero as a prefix if I have the "Scan params" - Code Id Type set to "Code Id Type Aim".
Screenshots etc can be found in the documentation here: Barcode Scanner Parameters - Zebra Technologies TechDocs
To recreate this:
Use the data wedge with the DWDemo app
1 Change the "Scan params" / "Code Id Type" to "Code Id Type None"
2 Make a scan of an UPCA barcode
3 Change the "Scan params" / "Code Id Type" to "Code Id Type Aim"
4 Make a scan of the barcode again
5 Notice that four characters has been added to the barcode.
My question is how this can happen when the documentation says:
Barcode Scanner Parameters - Zebra Technologies TechDocs :
Code ID Type Aim - Inserts a standards-based three-character prefix.
Are there any settings that only apply if you set it to "Code ID Type Aim"?
I have made sure that "Decode params" / UPCA / Preamble has been set to "Preamble None"

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