As your documentation is wide I am having a problem looking for what I need, so I am asking this question to get the right directions
I want to scan a barcode and get its value
I am trying to send an intent broadcast with a Receiver to catch the result in the onReceive function (using intent is the preferred way in my case)
Broad cast intent is using
> action: "com.motorolasolutions.emdk.datawedge.api.ACTION_SOFTSCANTRIGGER"
> Param: "com.motorolasolutions.emdk.datawedge.api.EXTRA_PARAMETER" with value "TOGGLE_SCANNING"
The beam is turning on, and when I point the beam to the barcode it is turning off making a beep sound but the onReceive of the receiver is not triggered
I want to know the filter action that I should use to receive the result
and to know what tutorials should I go for to go to the end of the road
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