ENABLE and DISABLE the Datawedge through a Javascript Android bridge

J Juan Garcia 3 years 10 months ago
82 1 0


one of my Customer has the below Question.....

There seems to be a way through a javascript-android-bridge to lock and unlock the datawedge. This is at http://techdocs.zebra.com/datawedge/7-1/guide/api/enabledatawedge/ and http://programmerguru.com/android-tutorial/binding-javascript-and-andro… described.
There seems to be also a way to use javascript-android-bridge to lock and unlock the DataWedge directly through JavaScript and Intents. Prerequisite is that a corresponding URL scheme is available.

To get ahead in this point, an example implementation is urgently needed.

Can someone help with that request ?


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1 Replies

r roberto cottone

Hi Juan,

For an example of calling ENABLE_DATAWEDGE please refer to this app and line of source code: samples-datawedge/MainActivity.java at master · Zebra/samples-datawedge · GitHub You will need to do a similar thing on the native Android side of your JavaScript bridge.

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