
Biden Clamps Down on AI Implementation in Government

Edward Correia -

IN THIS ISSUE: Biden Cagey on AI; Jira Developers Get a Boost; 11 Amazing JavaScript Animations; The Many Forms of Cyber Espionage; Get Ready for AI-equipped Sunglasses; MS Teams to Get More Copilot


Protective Barrier To AI Technology as safety protocols and safeguards for artificial intelligence to mitigate risks associated with computer

Biden Cagey on AI in Agencies

Perhaps taking a cue from Elon Musk, the Biden administration late last month unveiled a series of regulations aimed at throttling the use of AI in government agencies, with rules for implementation, reporting and monitoring. 


Jira Developers Get a Boost

Enterprise collaboration tool maker Atlassian has released a series of improvements to developer tools across several of its platforms. The company, whose products include Bitbucket, Compass, Confluence and Jira, also is hosting the Team '24 conference in Las Vegas beginning on April 30. 



11 Great JavaScript Animations

Bring apps and web pages to life with these simple JavaScript animations that can be implemented right now. The first one on the list could literally make you gasp.


The Many Forms of Cyber Espionage

Online spying has many faces. Yes, it includes hackers entering internet devices uninvited. But what many do not realize is that email, SMS and other messaging apps also can be vehicles for snooping, delivering information about the location, network and host device of the recipient. 


primitive sunglasses

AI-equipped Sunglasses. Really?

Yes, really. There's apparently a trend to put AI tech into something that has remained largely unchanged since its invention in 1752; sunglasses. This is not an April Fool's joke, much as it appears to be.


MS Teams to Get More Copilot

Over the next few months, Microsoft will be adding a series of enhancements to Teams, company's flagship collaboration tool for the enterprise. First on the list will be action items and timelines, something certain to help organizations make meetings more effective. 


Edward Correia

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