
Industry Views - Mar. 20, 2023 - Fastlane CI/CD for Android

Edward Correia -

IN THIS ISSUE: Build First, Then Design; A Better Way to Google Play; Bringing Apps to the Dashboard; TypeScript 5.0 is Smaller, Faster, Standard-er; Big Tech Embraces ChatGPT, Warts and All; Free API for RESTful, Apache Kafka Visibility


The pitfalls of realtime-ification by Evil Martians


Alien Idea: Build First, Then Design

Wait, what? Can (and should) an app be built before it's fully designed? The answer is a simple yes. But that's according to Evil Martians, who might have ulterior motives. Then again, their methods seem fairly sound. Take 10 minutes and decide for yourself. 


Fastlane: A Better Way to Google Play

For developers releasing through Google Play, some things are easy while others can be difficult or overly time-consuming. Falling into the latter category is posting app iterations during the test phase. For those using githib, there's a way to automate that process. 


Bringing Apps to the Dashboard

Cars have been using computers for decades, but few could have predicted that they'd eventually become a platform to target commercially with apps. That time has come, and here's all the info needed to target the emerging universe of cars with Google built-in


TypeScript 5.0 Smaller, Faster, More Compliant

TypeScript 5.0, Microsoft's version of JavaScript released late last week, is smaller, faster, and more compliant with the ECMAscript language specification. That's according to the company's official announcement, which came on its DevBlog site on March 16.    


Despite Flaws, Big Tech Moves Ahead with ChatGPT

Despite some the high-profile flaws and proven built-in political bias of ChatGPT, Google, Microsoft and Salesforce have all recently announced plans to plunge ahead with plans to integrate the nascent artificial intelligence system with their enterprise applications.


Free Tool for RESTful, Apache Kafka Visibility 

If you're being dogged by a lack of low-cost tools for visibility into your app endpoints, SmartBear might offer some relief. The company now offers SwaggerHub Explore, a free tool that it claims can open a view into RESTful and Apache Kafka endpoints.


Edward Correia

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1 Replies

w whoopi goldberg

This method automatically modifies the basic DWDemo profile to include the host PC's IP address as the IP output destination and transfers and installs it using the Datawedge autoimport folder.