Industry Views - Week of Dec. 16, 2022

Edward Correia -

Industry Views - Dec. 16, 2022


IN THIS ISSUE: Amazon Seeks to Forgo Barcodes; A Modern Phantom of the Opera; Sizing Up Viewports; Job Markets Continue to Favor Developers; Ransomware Attack Hits Machine Learning; Put Snow On the Screen


Banksy in NYC Day 28: Tagging Robot with Barcode in Coney Island - Untapped  New York

Amazon Seeks to Forgo Barcodes

To twist an old saying, Amazon is finding that it's hard to teach a new dog old tricks. The online mega-retailer company is working on a method of replacing time-tested barcode scanning with image recognition. The reason? Robots are bad at locating barcodes. 


A Modern Phantom of the Opera

Is nothing sacred anymore? Late last week, networks of the Metropolitan Opera in Manhattan were restored, following a cyber attack that downed the website, box office and call center of New York City's cultural focal point for more than a week. 


A diagram shows the difference between the "large viewport" and "small viewport", where the large occupies the space when dynamic UI is hidden and the small occupies the space when dynamic UI is visible. Large units are displayed as lvh and lvb for the height/block direction, and lvw and lvi for the width/inline direction. Small units are displayed as svh and svh for the height/block direction, and svw and svi for the width/inline direction.

Sizing Up Viewports

What defines the size of a viewport? Some say it's the total number of horizontal and vertical pixels available on a given device. Others say it's smaller because of address, scroll bars and other browser chrome. We say let's ask someone recognized internationally as an expert.   


Job Markets Continue to Favor Developers: Report

In a job market that's worrying many in the IT sector, developers appear to be relatively safe. That's according to Forrester Research, which recently concluded its APAC Predictions 2023 event, where experts from around the globe gathered in Singapore to talk trends.


Ransomware Attack Hits Machine Learning

Well, that didn't take long. Researchers have demonstrated that malware can be embedded into most machine learning libraries, where it can go about its nasty business without detection. No time to read? Watch the demo


Put Snow to the Screen

Fans of the HBO series Game of Thrones might appreciate the ability to add Snow to the screen at will; John Snow that is. But for those seeking a snow-on-device-screen solution that's less complicated than twisting plot lines, here's a way to do it by adding just one line. Of code. 



Edward Correia

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