
JavaScript In-memory Boosted: ECMAScript 2024 Spec Approved

Edward Correia -

IN THIS ISSUE: Latest JavaScript 'Standards' Approved; An Intro to Multithreaded JavaScript; Space: The Next Frontier for Hackers; A Deep Dive into SDUI; Apps for People with Disabilities; TUTORIAL: How to Write Microcopy



Java's ByteBuffer is a proxy to the underlying byte[] allocation.

Latest JavaScript 'Standards' Approved

JavaScript developers will soon have far more flexibility when working with in-memory handling of binary data using ArrayBuffers. A slew of new features proposed for the world's most popular programming language late last month received approval to proceed with implementation.  


An Intro to Multithreaded JavaScript

As JavaScript and the programs it's being used to create become more powerful, the need to perform multiple simultaneous tasks comes into greater focus. While JavaScript itself is single threaded, the browser's runtime environment offers effective ways to work around this limitation. 


Space: The Next Frontier for Hackers 

When they're not studying the energy used by shrimp as they run on an underwater treadmill,  government agencies in the U.S. sometimes reveal life-critical issues. One such study published last month by the National Science Foundation urges tighter security for space-based systems.  



A Deep Dive into the Server-driven UI 

Organizations using Zebra's Enterprise Browser to build apps using HTML and JavaScript might already be familiar with the concept of the server-driven UI. Even so, this SDUI deep-dive might expose useful server-side features not being leveraged by current app logic. 


Building Apps for People With Disabilities

It's natural for developers to think mainly of their own experiences and preferences when building an app's user interface. But there's a universe of potential users for whom a few small UI changes could make a world of UX difference. The W3C explains how. 


Avoid These 10 UX Design Fails - Usability Geek

TUTORIAL: How to Write Microcopy

Small groups of words can have a big impact. Learn how button labels, prompts and hover hints can either work together toward an intuitive UX or create confusion and frustration for users. Includes examples from major websites and lots of do's and don'ts.


Edward Correia

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