Safety Tracker Mobile by Snively, Inc.
About Snively, Inc.
Snively, Inc. has launched the first “MSHA Compliant Safety Inspection” tool for the mining industry. Snively Inc., based in Mentor, Ohio has re-defined the roles of mine Safety Inspectors by working with the miners to develop a handheld mobile application with customizable templates that replaces all manual “paper and pencil” methods of capturing and reporting Safety Inspections at each mine site.
About Safety Tracker Mobile
Safety Tracker is the first “MSHA Compliant” Safety PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) Inspection and Tracking solution! Safety Tracker has customizable templates for inspecting any piece of equipment and automating routine maintenance inspections.
Written for the Mining Industry in conjunction with mining personnel and safety inspectors, this inspection tool reduces Underground time required to physically inspect and report on SCSR’s and other customer defined equipment. Safety Tracker is not limited to the mining industry and can be used in any industry requiring scheduled safety equipment inspections.
Snively Safety Tracker - Document explaining Safety Tracker & usefulness
Safety Tracker Info - Specifications and information about the Safety Tracker Desktop/Mobile applications.
Safety Tracker Marketing - Explanation of Safety Tracker and the market it is designed for.
Demonstration Download
MC9500, MC75A
Demo Inspection Sheets - Demo sheet of inspection barcodes for the Safety Tracker Mobile Application demonstration cab file.
Application Type
Inventory Management, Batch Inspection and Compliancy Reporting Tool
Main User Interface
Mobile Devices
ET1, MC40, ES400 and SB1
Demonstration Video
Safety Tracker Inspection Demo - Demonstration video of how to perform an inspection using Safety Tracker Mobile.
News interview about Safety Tracker explaining the usefulness of the device and application.
Contact Information
Zebra Solution Center
Motorola Channel Account Manager
James Pemberton
Office Phone: +44(788)7782141
Skillweb Business Development Co-ordinator
Emma Ball
Office Phone: 08700 707077

Catherine Wei