RhoHub upgrade
Our RhoHub service has been upgraded to now include the Rhodes versions listed below! – WinMobile, Win32. No Android or iOS for this version! – WinMobile,Win32,Android,iOS.
4.0.9 – WinMobile,Win32,Android,iOS.
4.1.6 – WinMobile,Win32,Android,iOS.
Also, iOS builds are switched to iphone7.1 sdk.
These versions of Rhodes/RhoElements are the only versions that are currently supported.
NOTE: Support for Rhodes will be removed at the end of June.
Moving forward, we will be continuing to support a total of three versions of Rhodes / RhoElements on RhoHub, that is, the most current version and two prior versions. We will also be posting a RhoHub support matrix showing the versions of Rhodes and the platforms that they can build for as well as an estimated end of life for support of each version on RhoHub.

Michael Toews
3 Replies
Its disappointing to see still no support for WP builds at Rhohub. And still no "Cancel Build" button
Try browsing app.rhohub.com thru mobile device and try to build. Well, I still can't see the "Build" button