Enterprise AppForum 2014 - Hackathon Prizes Announced!
As the Enterprise AppForum 2014 draws ever closer it is time for us to reveal the prizes that will be on offer at this year’s Hackathon which will be a key part of our event. First prize will be a Parrot AR.Drone.2.0 for each member of the winning team (up to 5 people). The Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 is an advanced ready-to-fly Wi-Fi controlled quadricopter which is suitable for operation indoors or
outside. The AR.Drone 2.0 requires a compatible Smartphone or Tablet for operation and the user can simply steer the drone by tilting their device backwards or forwards, left or right with an autopilot to take off, hover and land. In addition, the drone is equipped with a high definition forward-facing camera that lets you see, through your device, exactly what the AR.Drone 2.0 sees just as if you were in the pilot seat.
The second placed team will each receive a Raspberry Pi starter kit (again, up to 5 members in a team). Each kit will include a Raspberry Pi - Model B Plus (the latest version) along with a clear, Raspberry Pi Enclosure Case a set of 3 Heat Sinks, a Kingston Micro SD Card pre-loaded with "NOOB" (Includes Raspbian, OpenELEC, Arch, RaspBMC, RISC OS & Pidora) and a USB Power Supply with Micro USB Cable along with HDMI Cable and a Wireless Wifi Adapter.
The Hackathon will run for the duration of the event and is intended to be a fun element upon which you can spend as much, or as little, time as you like with your team mates, or on your own. To spice things up a little and to keep the playing field as level as possible (no preparing in advance!) we are not going to tell you what the theme is until the first evening of the event when James Pemberton will be metaphorically firing the starting gun.
We are going to keep the theme as loose as possible so that you have plenty of room to deliver innovative, exciting and personal apps. Our judges will be looking for creativity of thought, simplicity of execution and purity of design all encompassed within an app which has that elusive ‘X’ factor that sets it apart from the rest (and no, don’t worry we won’t be asking you to sing).
The Hackathon will run for the duration of the event and you should have plenty of time to work on your masterpiece. Of course, to be in with a chance of winning either a Drone or the Raspberry Pi, you need to actually be at the AppForum. So if you haven’t yet signed up then please visit the website for details and encourage your friends (they’re potential team mates after all) to do so too.

Liza Qureshi