IDscanner by Imense Ltd
About Imense
Imense Ltd is a UK based company that specialises in computer vision applications including OCR (optical character recognition) applications for mobile devices. We offer a range of solutions including automated number plate recognition (ANPR/ALPR), document and form capture, ID card scanning, recognition of handwritten digits and address label reading. We offer solutions for devices running a range of platforms including Android and WinMobile.
About IDscanner
Imense IDscanner can automatically and accurately recognise the letters and numbers printed in the MRZ (machine readable zone) on a wide variety of European and other national and international ID cards, passports, and driving licenses. This enables rapid logging, identification, and authentication. Unlike other scanning apps, our solution runs entirely on a mobile device without needing a network, so there are NO data charges or network delays whatsoever, and the IDs you want to read are NOT uploaded to any server unless you explicitly choose to do so.
IDscanner is the first ID card reading application designed and optimised for mobile devices, providing single-click capture and accurate results within seconds. It works well in a wide range of lighting conditions, supports oblique angles, can read partially damaged cards, and can perform recognition across a broad spectrum of distances and sizes.
IDscanner also simplifies logistics operations. Many companies and authorities now accept ID cards as proof of delivery. However, it is inconvenient and error prone to manually transcribe the lengthy combination of letters and digits on these IDs, and photographic transmissions involves delays and inaccuracies. Our IDscanner solves these problems with a single click.
Furthermore, IDscanner provides instant feedback to the user through an automated colour coded confidence measure to ensure that ID cards are scanned in focus and recognised accurately.
Demonstration Download
Android (ie. TC55)
Government, Access Control, Border Control, Police, Parcel Delivery Verification, Retail, Transportation and Logistics
Application Type
Automated scanning of ID cards, passports and license documents featuring an MRZ.
Main User Interface
Mobile Devices
All devices running Android with a front facing camera (ie. TC55). Solutions for other platforms such as WinMobile are also available.
Contact Information
Zebra Solution Center
Motorola Channel Account Manager
James Pemberton
Office Phone: +44(788)7782141
Henrik Kjellin
Office Phone: 07785511775

Catherine Wei