RMS 5.0 SP3 Released: iOS Apps Support MobileIron
RhoMobile Suite 5.0 Service Pack 3 has been released. SP3 will update your current installation of RhoMobile Suite to version 5.0.38, and incorporates all previous service packs.
The main enhancement delivered by SP3 is support for MobileIron in Rho apps written for iOS. Now, iOS developers can leverage MobileIron Tunnel, a per-app VPN that lets mobile apps seamlessly access resources behind a corporate firewall.
MobileIron is one of four top-tier players in the worldwide market for mobile device management (MDM) solutions, which offer centralized management for smartphones, tablets and other handheld devices. MDM solutions came to prominence along with the rise of such devices, which were entering the enterprise unmanaged and unsecured.
Download the Mac OS X binaries
In case you missed it
iOS also played prominently in Service Pack 2 (RMS 5.0.30); it introduced the ability to build 64-bit iOS apps in compliance with Apple's latest terms and conditions. On Feb. 1, 2015, the company required that all new Apple Store submissions be built with the iOS 8 SDK and include support for Apple's 64-bit architecture. SP2 also resolved a major build issue for Windows Phone 8.
In Service Pack 1 (RMS 5.0.25), Zebra developers delivered an extensive list of new features, including support for iOS 8 across Apple's entire iOS 8 product line. It also added support for Apple's XCode 6.1 IDE with the iOS 8 SDK. Also delivered in SP1 was support for Android Jelly Bean across Zebra's MC3200 mobile computer family, plus the resolution of dozens of issues.
Read SP3 release notes (includes notes from prior service packs)

Anonymous (not verified)
2 Replies
Can you please verify the correct branch for this in the Git repo? (I need to make a small change to gem dependencies, because I build with Ruby 2.2.2). As well, I often refer to source code, and I need to be able to use Git tools when I do so.
I am guessing it is 5-0-sp4-stable? (sp4 due to the off-by-one naming in the repo...) Last checkin was f1a59523 on 3/31/15.