RMS 5.1: Now With Live Update, USB Printing
We're happy to report the release of RhoMobile Suite 5.1, which delivers something for Zebra developers of all stripes. Topping the list is Live Update, which can be set to monitor changes in source code and instantly implement and display those changes on a device in real time. Live Update on Mac OS X development hosts is supported for development across Android, iOS and Windows Mobile/CE platforms and connects via Wi-Fi from the development host to the target device(s). For Windows development hosts, Live Update is in beta.
Android developers will be happy to know that their apps will now be able to print via USB to supported Zebra printers. This change affects Android apps only, and requires an OTG cable or adapter. Android, iOS and WM/CE apps can still print over Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, as before.
Windows Phone 8 developers also have reason to cheer; RMS 5.1 now supports the Barcode API for WP8, letting those app capture barcode data using the device camera or the 1D or 2D scanning component found on many Zebra Technologies devices. This release also now implements a Timer API and extends support of Config for Android, iOS and WP8.
There's also new device support. RMS 5.1 now can target Zebra's Workabout Pro 4 running Windows CE 6.0, The TC70 running Android KitKat, and the MC18 running Windows Embedded. Also new is common camera API support for JavaScript and Ruby, and Device API support for Symbol devices, which delivers the ability to calibrate, idle, power-off, suspend, re-boot and wake. We've deprecated a few devices too. Please see the RMS 5.1 Release Notes for full lists of supported and deprecated devices in this release.
Read the 5.1 release notes (includes notes from prior service packs)
Download the Mac OS X binaries

Edward Correia