The Security Blanket of Green Screen Technology - Having Your Cake
So you are a Systems Integrator or Reseller that is trying to convince your end user client that it is time to move away their comfort level. They have been using CE-based MC9000 series devices since their inception in 2003, conscientiously upgrading to new devices, reaping the benefit of the latest version of Windows or WinCE, along with faster processors, higher capacity batteries and more aggressive bar code scanners.
The transition from Pocket PC, to Windows Mobile to Windows Embedded has always been a relatively easy process, because their application hasn't changed on the handheld....ever. Sure, they have made modifications to their host, but it hasn't required much change on the handheld at all, unless it was changing a bar code setting or a new function key. Life has been pretty easy for the IT Dept and the Warehouse Management Software Developer.
So why change?? In some ways, they really must. In others, they don't have to change at all.
Reason 1 is security. Hackers never take a break from trying to breach weak points of entry. Clients have to stay current with antivirus, wireless security protocols and operating system vulnerabilities. That has become a fact of life in every industry.
In 2009, when Microsoft announced that they were discontinuing support for Windows Embedded in 2019, Motorola (now Zebra) made the decision to transition new products to Android and the results have been phenomenal. The evolution of Google's operating system has fit extremely well into the rugged computer world, opening the door to options never possible in Windows Mobile, including the use of GUI type applications, virtual keyboards and access to a much larger pool of applications to choose from.
But your end user is just using Green Screen Terminal Emulation. What difference does that make to them? You may be surprised.
Let's go back to your end user scenario:
This client is using MC9xxx units with Wavelink TelnetCE client. They use ActiveSync and the Wavelink Desktop based configurator tool to setup the devices. The tool configures all the bar code settings, the host settings, any special function keys and scripts. Life is easy. Now they want to use TC8000s or MC93s, running android. how can they setup these units? Windows is not Android.
The answer RM²: Rapid ATTE - The fastest way to Migrate and/or Modernize a green screen environment
The replacement Terminal Emulator is called All-Touch Terminal Emulation (powered by Ivanti) and it is pre-licensed on a number of Zebra devices and available for purchase for many others (See ) (Part # SW-ALLTOUCHTE-AND)
By simply exporting the settings from the Wavelink Desktop Configurator, they can import these settings using the RM² online tool, scan a few StageNow bar codes and migrate from Windows green screen to Android green screen in less than 5 minutes --> Watch the Video
If your client wants to transition to a more Graphical User Interface, while still running green screen on their Android devices, they can run modernize in the same manner using the RM² online tool and again scanning a few StageNow bar codes. This will convert their application into an interface that looks and functions more like a graphical interface in less than 5 minutes --> Watch the Video
StageNow will install the latest version of ATTE directly on the device, along with any settings required by the client. Very Simple.
Don't have a previous configuration? No problem. Just key the host settings into the RM² portal (Host IP Address and Port)
So at the end of the day, the customer get's to keep their green screen application, but reap the rewards of the Android OS, with the ability to modernize their user interface. Have your cake and eat it too!
Questions? Go here and start a discussion:

Brian Munroe