Velocity: How To capture screens from the Wavelink TE Client on your PC

Tom Butler -


If you are looking for information on Capturing screens with TelnetCE:


  • How To capture screens from the Wavelink TE Client on your PC



To capture screens from the TE Client on your PC:

  1. From the TE Client on your PC, click Term > Screen Capture.
  2. A dialog box appears, asking you where the screen capture file should be saved. Select a location and click Save.
  3. Press Enter to connect to the host. When connected to the host, navigate through each screen of the interface.
    IMPORTANT: Be sure to capture any error screens or optional screens in addition to the standard process screens. The TE Client will only record the screens that you access.
  4. To end the screen capture, click Term > Screen Capture


The screen capture process is ended and the screens are saved to a .wltsc file. If you don't end the screen capture in this manner, the file will be empty. Screens aren't written to the file until you tell the client you're done recording.

Once you've captured the screens for your host profile, you can import these to the Velocity Console to create custom themes and screen element styles.


Tom Butler

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