Hi there,I've created an web application in .Net 4.8 that needs to print Code 128 barcodes out to the above printer on the fly. Up to now, I have been generating bacrodes by having an asp image…
Hi, I am a software developer working for a small company, and we offer an Oracle based product that has some Java applications and also web applications (created using Oracle Application Express if…
Hi All I am a WinDev Developer, and Integrating with the Core Scanner .NET Api. I need help finding the correct method to call to register a callback event for the barcode scanning.There…
Hi all,Newbie here for developing with Zebra mobile receipt printers.I am looking for some clarification as Zebra support didn't provide it.I have an app in Windows Forms C# .NET which needs to print…
Hey there guys!I have been trying to develop an Android application to read SmartTap Passes from both Google Wallet and Apple Wallet. I'm using the device TC22 alongside the VAS SDK from Zebra itself…
Hi, I have a question/issue regarding whether all Zebra printers can support multiple concurrent network connections and communications from a server. I have seen documentation for Weblink that says…
Hello,Zebra Global Support said this inquiry was beyond their capabilities and asked that I post here. Hopefully someone can help.We have created a web app that allows our customers to print badges…
Good morning I have a question, I have a client with zebra designer 3 pro. I have a database coming from Excel with 3 fields: Reference, barcode and designation. I want to have data…
Hello,I have two FX7500 readers and one FX9600 reader, with firmware versions 2.7.19 (FX7500), 3.21.21 (FX7500), and 3.9.17 (FX9600). When using Zebra's Windows Java SDK for Fixed Readers, I…
I have a barcode which gets it's value from an excel dbthe value is 050/AS/4B/now I want concate this value which is also from the excel Dbthe value is like 00001so when when I want to print for…