SpeechRecognizer TC20

D Damian Ducuing 3 years 8 months ago
9 2 0

I'm developing an app for TC20, and i need use the speech recognizer.
Is posible to use this function?
When i try start the recognizer, throws me the error "bind to recognition service failed".
I tried it on my cell phone and it works perfectly.
Who knows if the speech recognizer is compatible with the TC20?

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2 Replies

D Darryn Campbell

Hi Damien, speech recognition should work on the TC20 as it is part of the standard GMS capabilities: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/speech/SpeechRecognizer…; You do have GMS present and enabled on your TC20?

N Nikola Paunovic

Hi Damien, I'm with Keen Research, we are a Zebra ISV partner. We develop SDKs for on-device speech recognition for mobile devices. I'd be happy to connect and provide more details. Here is our site:

Best, Nikola

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