App developped with Embarcadero Delphi Rio for TC21: E/ScannerFramework(1248) after use of virtual keyboard

r roberto cottone 3 years 8 months ago
100 2 0

I developed an app with Embarcadero Delphi Rio for TC21. I get the barcodes perfectly via the keyboard output but as soon as I do a data entry with the virtual keyboard, the barcode reading does not work anymore!
If I press the Android right-most button showed all the currently running apps and reselect my app window, the barcode reading works again. Same behaviour if my app displays a pop-up message: After a click on the OK button, the barcode reading works again and if I do a data entry, the barcode reading does not work again...
I installed an Android Device Monitor which tells me that normally a barcode reading corresponds to the sending of an header character followed by the barcode characters; After using the virtual keyboard, the header character is sent followed by the error message "E/ScannerFramework(1248): IMGKIT [ImgKitCWrapper::AttemptDecode] - 0"
What is the solution to solve this problem?
Best Regards

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2 Replies

R Remy Duploz

No, I thought so but this is not correct: When the Android app starts, no visual component has the focus and however the characters sent as keyboard output by DataWedge all trigger the OnKeyDown event of the app.
My app is part of a professional solution that is not dedicated only to Android devices and is not limited to Zebra devices. That's why we didn't use the "intent" but the keyboard output method that is used in all barcode readers available on the market.
On the other hand, the debug logs show that the problem is not due to a "lost" focus, there is a Zebra driver error after using the virtual keyboard.

D Darryn Campbell

Hi, when using Keystroke output only the textfield in focus will receive the scanned data so if focus is removed from that text field the data will no longer be received.  Have you considered using the Intent output capability of DataWedge?  It can be a lot more reliable for the scenarios you describe.

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