Latest Discussions

Process LI2208 and LI4278 (Bluetooth) via SNAPI
Randy Smith asked
16 0 0
关于SIMUL SCAN实际应用距离
1 0 0
Android with RFD8500, how to switch from RFID to Barcode Scanner
Luca Devincenzi asked Sean Kennedy replied at Jan 5th at 08:18
540 6 0
// Expert user has replied.
Core Scanner application error when connecting LS2208
Sean Manalili asked
29 0 0
Java sample application
Efkan YILMAZ asked
1 0 0
RFD8500 Select command
Luca Devincenzi asked
4 0 0
FX9500 RFID Reader Command Line feature in Web Console
Andrew Duerre asked Andrew Duerre replied at May 4th at 11:16
61 1 0
FX9500 EMDK Capturing TAG_NOT_VISIBLE status
Louis Loizides asked Louis Loizides replied at May 4th at 11:16
24 2 0
FX9500 change Operating Mode using EMDK
Louis Loizides asked
1 0 0
Motorola Scanner SDK for Virtual Machine
Michele Curioni asked Michal Keracik replied at May 4th at 11:20
6 2 0