This guide will walk you through creating an EMDK For Xamarin application that will use Barcode/Scanning APIs to perform Scanning operations on your Symbol Android devices without using Profile Wizard. The API uses Barcode Manager, which is the primary object to access barcode scanning feature.
This document contains step by step instructions for using EMDK Api's in a new Xamarin application from scratch. It covers adding the component to the project, using profile manager, using basic APIs
WiFi Configuration
This sample application demonstrate how to manage WiFi networks.
SimulScan Document Capture
Demonstrates how Simulscan APIs can be used to capture multiple types of data from paper forms.
Serial Communication
Demonstrates the EMDK Serial Communication API to enable support for DEX in an application. DEX (Data Exchange) is a format for collecting audit and event data from vending machines.
Scan and Pair
This sample application will show how the Scan and Pair API can be used to pair two bluetooth devices programmatically.
Rebooting The Device
This sample application will allow you to set the power state to "Suspend" (sleep mode) or "Reset" (reboot).
Personal Shopper
This sample application will show how the Personal Shopper APIs can be used to interact with the MC18 Cradle programmatically.
Barcode APIs
This sample application will allow you to scan barcodes based on selected scanner device, trigger type and a few decoder Decoder Params.
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UPDATED BY: Leonard Church - 6 months ago // Expert user has replied.224