Forum topic
Hello,I can't print cards with portrait orientation with Zebra ZXP series 7 device.Only way i see in sdk doc, ZMotifGraphics.ImageOrientationEnum should be setted while initialiazing  graphics…
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I want to print some card templates using code. I've tried copying the example code from the SDK documentation, but it just doesn't work.Here's an example of the code I've tried. The code is supposed…
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.NET is a free, cross-platform, open-source developer platform for building many different types of applications..NET Framework is a Windows-only version.Where can I get Link-OS SDK that supports .…
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I have a ZXP Series 7 Card Printer with UHF. I am trying to print to it and encode RFID using an SDK. I have landed on using the ZMotif SDK. Here is the only reference I can find: https://www.zebra.…
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I have a prn file of zpl code that give me the label but there is no any way to display the preview of that label to the user. I want to know how can i achive that or is there is any other way to…
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From a web page we are sending an HTML container (div) to a Zebra ZC350 printer. Text prints poorly on the card. We have put an Arial type font with 8pt for some text or 6pt for others. It is not…
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Hey, I've been trying to get my encode over ethernet software to work with the ZC350 printer. I've got the Silex usb over ethernet to work but I'm having issues with keeping a stable…
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Hello, I'm trying to print something on our Zebra ZC300 using C3 .Net but I'm getting the error below. I was using the samples on LinkOS-PC-Samples github project. I think I'm using…
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Does anyone know where the Encoder Over Ethernet sdk installers are on the Zebra Website, I've checked all the card printer sdk sections and the manual is present but no downloads. I have an old…
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I am having trouble connecting to ZQ520 via bluetooth using its MAC address. It is a Xamarin iOS project and the same piece of code works on Xamarin Android. The device I am using for testing is an…